Study Bad Breath Cause - The Many Possibilities more

Bad breath causes embarrassing situations for people all the time. In fact, if you attend a lot of business meetings, love to social network or have someone special in your life the last thing you want to worry about is having poor smelling breath. However, if you do live with this problem, it is essential for you to learn each type of bad breath cause which in turn would provide you the opportunity to eliminate it.

Unfortunately, less than sweet smelling breath is not just embarrassing but it can actually result in a person being outcast. After all, no one wants to get too close to a person with bad breath and worst of all, telling someone about the problem is difficult even for a close friend or family member. The interesting thing is that an issue with your breath can appear literally at any phase in life and this problem is unbiased, meaning it affects both men and women of all ages and from all lifestyles.

In fact, regardless of the bad breath cause so many people around the world are worried about the problem of breath odor that the mouthwash industry is now worth $1 billion annually! The most common bad breath cause is bacteria, which could be caused by a number of factors to include small particles of food being trapped between teeth to infection, not just of the mouth, but an infection somewhere within the systemic body.

The cause that is most often the culprit and the easiest to treat has to do with food. Although brushing at least three times daily is vital to a healthy mouth, for treating and eliminating bad breath, it is not enough. After eating, tiny food particles will find their way in between the teeth where they become trapped. Unless the teeth are flossed after each snack and meal, the food begins to decay leading to bad breath.

Interestingly, when looking at what goes on inside the human mouth, most people are shocked to discover that virtually millions of potentially pathogenic bacteria reside there. For this reason, if teeth are not flossed to remove food particles the result is bacteria decomposing the food that leads to the number one bad breath cause. As food remains trapped, certain gasses are developed and released to include methyl mercaptan, hydrogen sulfide, putrescence, dimethyl disulfide, indole, skatole and cadaverine.

This clearly shows that the number one cause of mal-smelling breath is poor oral hygiene. If teeth are not brushed and flossed and the tongue, which harbors most of the bacteria is not cleaned, various types of bacteria will actually start to putrefy blood oozing from diseased gum tissue. When this happens, the odor produced in the mouth is intolerable for people around you but also you!

Another cause of bad breath is the wearing of dentures or partial plates. In this case, the problem can occur in one of two ways. First, if the dentures or partial plates are not made from the right, high quality material, odors can actually be absorbed. When this happens, it would not matter how much you brushed or flossed, the bad breath smell would be embedded into the material itself. Second, dentures are notorious for trapping food particles so they must be brushed and flossed but also thoroughly cleaned using a proper solution daily.

The thing to remember about bad breath is that everyone has it, especially first thing in the morning when the salivary glands have not functioned at full speed while asleep at night. However, causes of harsh smelling breath could also be from something more serious. For this reason, if you struggle with chronic bad breath but you follow a strict organ hygiene regimen, you should see your doctor or dentist to determine if an infection somewhere in the body is the actual culprit. If so, antibiotics would be administered making a significant improvement.

Bad Breath

Ken Branson is a health care provider with a passion for exercise, health and fitness. He enjoys assisting others to create, obtain and maintain their personal health and fitness goals. For more information on bad breath causes, visit

Bad Breath Cause - The Many Possibilities

Bad Breath