Go through The Best Food to Reduce Bad Breath extra

The Best Food to Reduce Bad Breath

Bad Breath In Cats

Bad Breath In Cats

Bad breath can have various causes. All of them are, however, related to how you treat your teeth and mouth. Bad breath origins mostly in your mouth. If you have got stomach problems, it can also show up as a bad breath. Even if the disease is lower down in your intestines, the breath may be bad.

Your first step to better the situation is certainly to pay attention to your teeth, to your gums and to your mouth. Brushing your teeth regularly is a rule. Using small brushes and floss to clean the spaces in between the teeth is an absolute must.

Even the best and healthiest food can leave traces in between the teeth and create bad breath.

What really causes the bad breath are the bacteria that develop either in your mouth or in your digestive tract.

Bad breath can be treated with simple means.

In fact, apart from parsley, there are other herbs that you can either eat or simply chew, be it after a meal or just during the day. These are coriander, spearmint, cardamom and tarragon. If you use the fresh herbs, you can also put them into hot water and drink them like a tea. These not only combat halitosis, but are excellent digestive helps. So you get a double benefit from them,

Eat food that contain vitamin C. This vitamin creates an inhospitable environment where bacteria cannot survive. Vitamin-C containing foods are oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, broccoli and other green leaf veggies such as spinach. Not necessarily do you have to ingest supplements because vitamin C is present in many other foods I did not even mention here. Pepper, for example, is a good source of vitamin C and of flavonoids that help your skin and your blood circulation.

Do you know what active cultures are? These are found in yogurt. There exist various kinds of cultures. The best in this case is probiotic bifidus because it cuts back on the bacteria in your mouth and also in your digestive system. According to recent studies, the daily intake of yogurt reduces gum problems. It also helps you to get rid or at least to reduce plaque on your teeth that might cause you bad breath.

Another way to clean your mouth after a meal, is eating an apple. In fact, the juice contained in the apple is able to clean your teeth. And it cleans them thoroughly. The juicy apple, like a Granny Smith, helps you to overcome your problem. And, after all, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, as the Britons say.

Elisabetta Reist http://www.kissanxietygoodbye.com ereist@reistlingue.ch