Bad Breath Remedy - Relieve Bad Breath Easily!
Bad BreathThe number of people suffering from bad breath is growing at an alarming pace. And the reasons for bad breath can be something as simple a poor dental hygiene or some serious medical problem.
Once you have learnt that you have bad breath, it is imperative that you stick to a proper dental hygiene to tackle it. Start by brushing your teeth twice a day. Clean you tongue properly. See that the tongue is cleaned of the thin film of coating. Gargle frequently either with plain water or by using a mouth freshener. Flossing your teeth once a day is also very beneficial in controlling bad breath.
While simple remedies can be found at home only a qualified doctor can analyze the root cause for bad breath. A visit to a dentist once in six months is mandatory for not only tackling the problem of bad breath but also to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
There are many simple remedies for this ailment. Once the doctor has prescribed the medicines and the regimen, you should follow it strictly. While there are many medicines available in allopathy, even homoeopathy has quite a few remedies for this ailment.
These problems can also be tackled at home by following some simple remedies. The first is by increasing the intake of water. Drink huge amounts of water every day to help combat bad breath. Some researchers in Japan have found that yogurt also help in the control of bad breath. Therefore you can also take yogurt regularly.
A visit to a dentist will help in identifying other factor if any for the problem. If the cause is due to an ailment like diabetes, ulcer on tonsillitis then the doctor will prescribe antibiotics which should be taken as prescribed. Controlling blood sugar in diabetics also helps in stopping the incidence of bad breath. Therefore any medical condition that is contributing to bad breath must be tackled with the help of a qualified doctor.
Medicines are only advised in specific instances. They are only to cure the malady. Proper oral hygiene alone can find a lasting solution. So use only good quality toothpaste and good mouth fresheners. Change your brush regularly. Avoid intake of food that causes bad breath.
It must be quite clear now that the remedy to bad breath is not only in identifying the problem but also finding a lasting cure. And it is only possible with a daily routine of oral hygiene. So follow good oral hygiene and avoid bad breath.
Venkata Ramana is the writer of Bad Breath Remedy blog. Read his informative reports about bad breath cure and get rid of bad breath forever!